140 AirJet Massage System
At the touch of a button, surround yourself with thousands of therapeutic bubbles and experience an intense full-body massage thanks to the powerful integrated 140 AirJet system.
Premium Drop Stitch Material
Ultra-rigid exterior delivers both structural integrity and long-lasting durability. Securely fastened together with thousands of tiny threads and tightly sealed, the inflated cavity provides unsurpassed strength without sacrificing portability.
Freeze Shield Technology
Use your Lay-Z-Spa all year round thanks to Freeze Shield.
Activating the pump automatically when it gets cold outside, you can safely use your hot tub when the ambient air temperature drops below 4°C.
Wifi Controlled
Make sure your hot tub is ready to use as soon as you get home. Turn on, turn off, set the temperature, activate the timer and even control the bubbles; all from your mobile phone. Available on Android and Apple devices.